NPI 1548346778
Otolaryngology in Brooklyn, NY

NPI Status: Active since October 31, 2006

Contact Information

ZIP 11231
Phone: (718) 624-0222
Fax: (718) 624-7130

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  • Individual
  • Male
  • Years of Experience 52
  • Otolaryngology
  • PECOS Enrolled
  • Accepts Medicare Approved Payment
  • Medicare Quality Reporting


Daniel Arick is a provider established in Brooklyn, New York and his medical specialization is Otolaryngology with more than 52 years of experience. The healthcare provider is registered in the NPI registry with number 1548346778 assigned on October 2006. The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 207Y00000X with license number 122610 (NY). The provider is registered as an individual and his NPI record was last updated 17 years ago.

Location Address450 CLINTON STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11231
Location Phone(718) 624-0222
Mailing Address450 CLINTON STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11231
Entity TypeIndividual
Medical School NameOTHER
Graduation Year1972
Is Sole Proprietor?No
Enumeration Date10-31-2006
Last Update Date07-08-2007
Code Navigator

Daniel Arick is registered with Medicare and accepts claims assignment, this means the provider accepts the approved amount for the cost of rendered services as full payment. Participating providers may not charge beneficiaries more than the approved amount for their services. Please keep in mind that beneficiaries still have to pay a coinsurance or copayment amount for a visit or service.

The provider participated in CMS Quality Payment Program and the following quality measures were reported: engagement of new medicaid patients and follow-up. The Quality Payment Program aims to improve population health, reduce costs and improve the care received by Medicare beneficiaries.

The typical physician office visit costs for Medicare beneficiaries in this area are: $27.39 for a new patient copayment and $22.04 for an established patient copayment.

Specialty - Primary Taxonomy

The NPI enumerator requires providers to submit at least one taxonomy code. A taxonomy code is a unique 10-character code that describes the healthcare provider type, classification, and the area of specialization. There could be only one primary taxonomy code per NPI record. For individual NPIs the license data is associated to the taxonomy code.



Taxonomy Code
Allopathic & Osteopathic Physicians
License No.
License State
Taxonomy Description
An otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon provides comprehensive medical and surgical care for patients with diseases and disorders that affect the ears, nose, throat, the respiratory and upper alimentary systems and related structures of the head and neck. An otolaryngologist diagnoses and provides medical and/or surgical therapy or prevention of diseases, allergies, neoplasms, deformities, disorders and/or injuries of the ears, nose, sinuses, throat, respiratory and upper alimentary systems, face, jaws and the other head and neck systems. Head and neck oncology, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery and the treatment of disorders of hearing and voice are fundamental areas of expertise.

Insurance Plans Accepted

The NPI profile data suggests this provider may be accepting health plans from these insurance companies or healthcare programs:

  • Medicaid
  • Medicare

*Please verify directly with this provider to make sure your insurance plan is currently accepted.

Additional Identifiers

The NPI Enumerator encourages providers to submit additional identifiers with their NPI application although the submission of this information is optional. The additional identifier(s) section includes other numbers or codes currently or formerly used as an identifier for the provider by other public healthcare entities. The identifiers may include UPIN, NSC, OSCAR, DEA, Medicaid State or PIN identification numbers.

Identifier Type / Code Identifier State Identifier Issuer

PECOS Enrollment and Medicare Participation Status

Daniel Arick is enrolled in PECOS and is eligible to order or refer health care services for Medicare patients. The provider is eligible to order or refer: Part B Clinical Laboratory and Imaging, Durable Medical Equipment (DME), a Home Health Agency (HHA) and Power Mobility Devices.

What is PECOS?
PECOS is the online Medicare enrollment management system or Provider, Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System. The PECOS system is a database of providers who have registered with CMS as providers or suppliers. PECOS is the primary source of information about verified Medicare professionals. Providers that want to participate in this program need to enroll in PECOS with their NPI number to avoid denied claims.

  • Is the provider registered in PECOS? Yes

  • PECOS PAC ID: 446430185

    What is the PECOS Associate Control ID?
    A PAC ID is a unique 10-digit number assigned to an individual or organization healthcare provider in PECOS. The PAC ID is used to link together all the provider information, like tax identification numbers and organizational names. A PAC ID can be connected to multiple Enrollment IDs if an individual or organization has enrolled in PECOS more than once.

  • PECOS Enrollment ID: I20110211000644

    What is the Provider Enrollment ID?
    The Enrollment ID is a unique alphanumeric 15-digit code assigned to each new provider's PECOS enrollment application. The Enrollment ID is used to link together all the provider enrollment information like enrollment type, state, provider specialty, and reassignment of benefits.

  • Accepts Medicare Assignment? Yes

    What does it mean "accepts medicare assignment"?
    When a provider accepts Medicare assignment, the provider agrees to be paid directly by Medicare and to accept the payment amount approved by Medicare. Additionally, the provider agrees to not bill patients for more than the Medicare deductible and coinsurance amounts.
    A provider who doesn't accept assignment may charge you up to 15% over the Medicare-approved amount. This is known as the limiting charge. You may have to pay this amount, or it may be covered by another insurer.

  • Eligible to Order or Refer Part B Clinical Laboratory and Imaging: Yes

  • Eligible to Order or Refer Durable Medical Equipment (DMEPOS): Yes

  • Eligible to Order or Refer a Home Health Agency (HHA): Yes

  • Eligible to Order or Refer Power Mobility Devices: Yes

Physician Visit Costs

The pricing information below displays the copayment minimum, maximum and average amount that patients under Medicare are charged when visiting this provider as a new or established patient. Please keep in mind that these prices are just for reference purposes, and the actual prices charged by the provider might be different.

For patients covered under private health plans the prices below are also useful as healthcare pricing for private insurance is usually established as a function of Medicare prices. Private insurance covered patients should check their individual plans to determine the exact pricing.

The prices below reflect the costs for new and established patients in the 11231 ZIP code area.

New Patients Visit Costs *

The most utilized procedure code for new patients office visits is 99203

  • Average New Patient Price $109.58
  • Minimum New Patient Price $71.49
  • Maximum New Patient Price $215.02
  • Average New Patient Copayment $27.39
  • Minimum New Patient Copayment $17.87
  • Maximum New Patient Copayment $53.75

Established Patients Visit Costs *

The most utilized procedure code for established patients office visits is 99213

  • Average Established Patient Price $88.17
  • Minimum Established Patient Price $22.05
  • Maximum Established Patient Price $174.06
  • Average Established Patient Copayment $22.04
  • Minimum Established Patient Copayment $5.51
  • Maximum Established Patient Copayment $43.51

* The physician office visit costs information is generated by statistical analysis of similar providers in the same geographical area. The pricing information above IS NOT the amount charged by this provider.

Quality Reporting

The following quality measures meet Medicare's statistical reporting standards for the year 2018. Not all providers report the same information, because not all providers give the same services to patients. The quality information is just a snapshot of some the care providers give to their patients. Reporting more or less information is not a reflection of quality.

Quality Measure Performance Number of Patients
Engagement of New Medicaid Patients and Follow-upYesN/A
Seeing new and follow-up Medicaid patients in a timely manner, including individuals dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare. A timely manner is defined as within 10 business days for this activity.

Clinician Services

The following Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes were publicly reported as the top services rendered by this provider under the Medicare program for the year 2020. The reported codes are based on the top 5 codes for each available specialty, excluding evaluation and management codes.

  • 175

    Removal of impact ear wax, one ear (HCPCS:69210)

  • 83

    Air and bone conduction assessment of hearing loss and speech recognition (HCPCS:92557)

  • 60

    Diagnostic examination of nasal passages using an endoscope (HCPCS:31231)

  • 34

    Diagnostic examination of voice box using flexible endoscope (HCPCS:31575)


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NPI Validation Check Digit Calculation

The following table explains the step by step NPI number validation process using the ISO standard Luhn algorithm.

Start with the original NPI number, the last digit is the check digit and is not used in the calculation.
Step 1: Double the value of the alternate digits, beginning with the rightmost digit.
Step 2: Add all the doubled and unaffected individual digits from step 1 plus the constant number 24.
2 + 5 + 8 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 7 + 1 + 4 + 24 = 72
Step 3: Subtract the total obtained in step 2 from the next higher number ending in zero, the result is the check digit.
80 - 72 = 88

The NPI number 1548346778 is valid because the calculated check digit 8 using the Luhn validation algorithm matches the last digit of the original NPI number.

Frequently Asked Questions

The NPI number assigned to this healthcare provider is 1548346778, enumerated in the NPI registry as an "individual" on October 31, 2006

The provider is located at 450 Clinton Street Brooklyn, Ny 11231 and the phone number is (718) 624-0222

The provider's speciality is Otolaryngology with taxonomy code 207Y00000X

The provider has more than 52 years of experience.

The provider might be accepting Medicaid and Medicare. Please consult your insurance carrier or call the provider to make sure your health plan is currently accepted.

Yes, as of April 12, 2024 the provider is registered in PECOS and is eligible to order health care services or supplies for Medicare patients. If you are a beneficiary the provider is eligible to order or refer: Part B Clinical Laboratory and Imaging, Durable Medical Equipment (DME), a Home Health Agency (HHA) and Power Mobility Devices.

Medicare beneficiaries should expect a typical cost of $109.58 with an average copayment of $27.39 for new patient appointments. Established patients should expect a typical charge of $88.17 and an average copayment of 22.04. Please review your insurance plan or contact the provider directly to determine your specific costs.

The most common procedures or services performed by this practitioner are: Removal of impact ear wax, one ear, Air and bone conduction assessment of hearing loss and speech recognition, Diagnostic examination of nasal passages using an endoscope and Diagnostic examination of voice box using flexible endoscope.

This NPI record was last updated on October 31, 2006. To officially update your NPI information contact the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) at 1-800-465-3203 (NPI Toll-Free) or by email at [email protected].
NPI Profile data is regularly updated with the latest NPI registry information, if you would like to update or remove your NPI Profile in this website please contact us.