Licensed Practical Nurse Providers In Pomeroy, Ohio

Search or browse NPI records of licensed practical nurse registered healthcare providers with a business address in Pomeroy, OH. The total number of NPI records is 2, , all registered as individuals. A licensed practical nurse with post-high school vocational training and practical experience in the provision of nursing care at a level less than that required for certification as a Registered Nurse. Requirements for education, experience, licensure, and job responsibilities vary among the states.

100% Individuals
100% Female
0% Male
100% Individual Providers (2)100% Female Providers (2)0% Male Providers (0)

Map of Providers

We have mapped the Licensed Practical Nurse providers in Pomeroy, OH to visually represent the practice location of each individual or organization. Click on any of the the pins to see the provider details at that location.

List of Providers

Table of Licensed Practical Nurse NPI Profiles in Pomeroy, OH
NPI Name Type Specialty Address Medicare PECOS
1093967051LESA ANNIndividualLicensed Practical Nurse36811 VANCE RD
(740) 992-5279
Non-Participating ProviderNO
1811610017ALYSSA R FRANKIndividualLicensed Practical Nurse112 E MEMORIAL DR
(740) 992-2192
Non-Participating ProviderNO

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