Developmental Therapist Providers In Normal, Illinois

Search or browse NPI records of developmental therapist registered healthcare providers with a business address in Normal, IL. The total number of NPI records is 12, of which 1 are registered as organizations and 11 as individuals. A Developmental Therapist is a person qualified by completion of an approved program in Developmental Therapy and where applicable credentialed by the state and practicing within the scope of the credential, or credentialed by completion of education experiences as approved by the state and practicing within the scope of that credential or, where state credentialing does not exist, certified by the Board of the Developmental Therapy Association. A developmental therapist evaluates children's global development in order to identify areas of developmental delay whether arising from physiological, neurological, or environmental factors, or a combination of factors; and designs, implements, and modifies therapeutic interventions for the child and the family to promote the child's acquisition of skills in a variety of developmental areas, including cognitive processes and social interaction in order to maximize functional independence and developmental homeostasis, and improve the quality of life at home and in the community; and provides consultation for the parents and other professionals working with the family on global development.

92% Individuals
8% Organizations
92% Female
0% Male
92% Individual Providers (11)8% Medical Organizations (1)92% Female Providers (11)0% Male Providers (0)

Map of Providers

We have mapped the Developmental Therapist providers in Normal, IL to visually represent the practice location of each individual or organization. Click on any of the the pins to see the provider details at that location.

List of Providers

Table of Developmental Therapist NPI Profiles in Normal, IL
NPI Name Type Specialty Address Medicare PECOS
1114216348LEIGH HAYESIndividualDevelopmental Therapist1606 HUNT DR
NORMAL, IL 61761
(309) 452-0069
Non-Participating ProviderNO
1205361177DANIELLE BASALAYIndividualDevelopmental Therapist1606 HUNT DR
NORMAL, IL 61761
(309) 452-0069
Non-Participating ProviderNO
1356994545ZEE PARTONIndividualDevelopmental Therapist1100 BEECH ST BLDG 7-3
NORMAL, IL 61761
(309) 340-9340
Non-Participating ProviderNO
1568784338JILL ELLYN SPARROWIndividualDevelopmental Therapist104 HARTER LN
NORMAL, IL 61761
(309) 262-6676
Non-Participating ProviderNO
1639365232STACEY DANIELLE WILLIAMSONIndividualDevelopmental Therapist465 BASSWOOD LN
NORMAL, IL 61761
(309) 268-9798
Non-Participating ProviderNO
1649471830MEGAN DOWNSIndividualDevelopmental Therapist1606 HUNT DR
NORMAL, IL 61761
(309) 452-0069
Non-Participating ProviderNO
1679796262POWERTOOLZ, INC.OrganizationDevelopmental Therapist1115 BULL ST
NORMAL, IL 61761
(309) 261-2343
Non-Participating ProviderNO
1720314131SUSAN PRATHERIndividualDevelopmental Therapist1705 CHRISTY CT
NORMAL, IL 61761
(309) 530-8070
Non-Participating ProviderNO
1760510275CHRISTINE KOSHAREKIndividualDevelopmental Therapist1606 HUNT DR SPICE OF MARC
NORMAL, IL 61761
(309) 452-0069
Non-Participating ProviderNO
1821311135KATHRYN FRECKLETONIndividualDevelopmental Therapist2000 N LINDEN ST APT L108
NORMAL, IL 61761
(309) 224-2609
Non-Participating ProviderNO
1841446358KRISTI M PROBSTIndividualDevelopmental Therapist3142 BUTTERFLY DR
NORMAL, IL 61761
(309) 454-4925
Non-Participating ProviderNO
1982039350JENNIFER F TRIMBLEIndividualDevelopmental Therapist32 ETHELL PKWY
NORMAL, IL 61761
(309) 454-2494
Non-Participating ProviderNO

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